Baron Barrymore Halpenny - Artist & Photographer ::: Shaftist Art
Art, Colour, modern, Paintings, Baron Barrymore Halpenny
Art, Colour, modern, Paintings, Baron Barrymore HalpennyHome
Art, Colour, modern, Paintings, Baron Barrymore HalpennyIntro to Shaftist Art
Art, Colour, modern, Paintings, Baron Barrymore HalpennyAbout Shaftism
Art, Colour, modern, Paintings, Baron Barrymore HalpennyShaftist Gallery
Art, Colour, modern, Paintings, Baron Barrymore HalpennyThe Movement
Art, Colour, modern, Paintings, Baron Barrymore HalpennyInterest
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Baron Barrymore Halpenny - Artist & Photographer ::: Shaftist Art
Baron Barrymore Halpenny - Artist & Photographer ::: Shaftist Art
Baron Barrymore Halpenny - Artist & Photographer ::: Shaftist Art

Baron Barrymore Halpenny - Artist & Photographer ::: Shaftist Art

Baron Barrymore Halpenny - Artist & Photographer ::: Shaftist Art

Baron Barrymore Halpenny - Artist & Photographer ::: Shaftist Art

Baron Barrymore Halpenny - Artist & Photographer ::: Shaftist Art

By Baron Barrymore Halpenny

The World of Shaftist Art is here for you to explore.

This section of the Website has retained more or less the layout of the Original Shaftism Website, so though it has now all been harmonised together, this section operates slightly different ... but only slightly.

Look around and I trust you enjoy the Website and the Artwork. Now if you have come to this Site because you wanted to know a bit about colour and light, then the section you want is "About Shaftism" or just click Here and you will see how important and complex colour and light really is. I've tried as best as possible to keep the text compact.

Baron Barrymore Halpenny - Artist & Photographer ::: Shaftist Art
Baron Barrymore Halpenny - Artist & Photographer ::: Shaftist Art
Baron Barrymore Halpenny - Artist & Photographer ::: Shaftist Art

Baron Barrymore Halpenny - Artist & Photographer ::: Shaftist Art
Baron Barrymore Halpenny - Artist & Photographer ::: Shaftist Art
Shaftism, Art, Modern, colour, Baron Barrymore Halpenny Shaftism, Art, Modern, colour, Baron Barrymore Halpenny Shaftism, Art, Modern, colour, Baron Barrymore Halpenny Shaftism, Art, Modern, colour, Baron Barrymore Halpenny Shaftism, Art, Modern, colour, Baron Barrymore Halpenny Shaftism, Art, Modern, colour, Baron Barrymore Halpenny Shaftism, Art, Modern, colour, Baron Barrymore Halpenny Shaftism, Art, Modern, colour, Baron Barrymore Halpenny Shaftism, Art, Modern, colour, Baron Barrymore Halpenny Shaftism, Art, Modern, colour, Baron Barrymore Halpenny Shaftism, Art, Modern, colour, Baron Barrymore Halpenny Shaftism, Art, Modern, colour, Baron Barrymore Halpenny Shaftism, Art, Modern, colour, Baron Barrymore Halpenny Shaftism, Art, Modern, colour, Baron Barrymore Halpenny

© Copyright 1990- Baron Barrymore Halpenny. All Rights Reserved