Baron Barrymore Halpenny
       Artist, Illustrator and Cartoonist

Facebook and Baron Halpenny

As you may know, I gave out the following ...

WARNING: I must tell you now that I am not on Facebook as Baron Halpenny … This is NOT me.

I’ve tried to contact this Facebook but can get nowhere, in fact they don’t seem to make it easy to alert them about any issue. If you are on Facebook please be aware that this person calling themselves Baron Halpenny, is not me!

A friend alerted me to this issue by saying that I was on Facebook after googling my name. I’ve checked it out and it’s true, but it’s not me and I don’t want friends thinking that it is, otherwise we have the case of people contacting and wondering why I am ignoring them, or even worse people communicating with someone in the belief that they are talking to me … when they are not.

As far as I know there is only one Baron Halpenny and the name order makes it highly unlikely that there is anyone else with this name.

I don’t really use websites like Facebook, twitter, etc and have always said that if you want to read about me then you can do so here at my website.

I have nothing against these websites and I think it’s wonderful that people can be brought together and communicate … hey, I’m all for it, but Facebooking etc, just isn’t me and I don’t want people to be claiming to be who they are not.

I just don’t want someone thinking that they are contacting me on these sites and being deceived.

Well it seems people were still not realising that this other character is not me, so ... I have created a Facebook page that is ME! See Below:

Baron Halpenny

Just so that you know!

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Baron Barrymore Halpenny - Illustrator and Cartoonist

Baron Barrymore Halpenny - Illustrator and Cartoonist
Baron Barrymore Halpenny - Illustrator and Cartoonist
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Baron Barrymore Halpenny - Illustrator and Cartoonist